Signs of Harmonious Chi

“Signs of Ample & Harmonious Qi

Review the following list. If you recognize these signs as part of yourself, you have some of the qualities associated with ample and harmonious Qi:

* little or no pain

* normal blood pressure

* normal pulse rate and volume

* pink tongue

* feeling rested

* good stamina

* productive

* creative

* energetic

* humorous

* happy/peaceful

* imaginative, curious

If you exhibit 6 or 7 of these qualities you have ample Qi. Your Qigong practice will be geared less toward accessing and building Qi and more toward attaining the ability to manage Qi. Ample Qi can help imbalances that you may find in the deficiency or stagnation list (below). In this case an ounce of prevention is all you need to sustain your health. However, many of you will be so fascinated with Qi cultivation, and the possibility of sharing Qigong and Tai Chi with others, that you will be compelled to deepen your practice as a way of reaching toward higher levels of personal performance or spiritual clarity. People like this are fondly known as Qi Lovers. They tend to have more vitality, which translates into more accomplishment, more fun and more peace.

Signs of Deficiency or Stagnation of Qi

Almost everyone exhibits some signs of Qi deficiency or stagnation, even relatively healthy people. Signs such as these serve as a gentle wake up call at first. If you respond quickly, you can resolve minor health challenges before they become major illnesses--- often by simply enjoying Tai Chi or Qigong. Otherwise a louder, more serious wakeup call may sound later. The ancient Qigong classics say, 'Disorder is easiest to overcome before it starts; prevent problems before they arise.' The following list shows some of the most common signs of deficiency and stagnation of Qi:

* fatigue

* stress, tension

* pain- joints, head, neck, back

* digestive and bowel problems

* anger, fear, worry, panic

* sickness and disease

* frequent colds, flu

* sexual or menstrual difficulties

* lung disorders

* allergies

* overly emotional states

* forgetfulness

* depression, lethargy

* anxiety, restlessness

* frustration, violence

* laziness, procrastination

* difficulty regulating body temperature

* sleeplessness

* red, pale or coated tongue

* slow, fast, weak or erratic pulse

If you express 3 or 4 of these symptoms, an ounce of prevention is not enough. Begin with a lighthearted, preventive practice of Qigong to neutralize health problems while they are minimal. If you have 5 or more of the signs on this list, I would suggest a more accelerated approach to Qigong."

-The Healing Promise of Qi by Dr. Roger Jahnke


Chinese New Year 2021